
Moms and Dogs

“Give your mom hugs for me,” I said to a coworker. She was leaving the next morning for California to visit her mother who she hadn’t seen in a year. They had each received their second Covid vaccine and weren’t waiting one more minute. “Please, really, I mean it.” I said to her. “Give her the hugs I can’t give to my mom yet.” I don’t know her mother, but it’s been 14 months since I’ve seen my own who lives in FL. I’ve just received my second vaccine dose. My mom will get her second dose next week. We need to wait two weeks after that. That will bring us to 15 months. But my sister who is immunocompromised and lives with my mother can’t get a vaccine yet. Do I go anyway, stay at a hotel and visit outside only? Do I wait, possibly bringing the time since I’ve seen my mom up to 16 months? Or a year and a half? She just turned 88 years old. The longest time we’ve ever not seen each other was when I did the abroad thing in college. I was away for 6 months. 

She moved to Florida about 18 years ago. I still refer to it as my abandonment. We see each other at least 3 times a year. Yes, we talk often. Yes, we video call. No, it does not take away the ache of space and time. This pandemic year has loosened the already negligible grasp I have on the time space continuum. Some things seem like yesterday and some a thousand years ago. 

One year ago today I arrived at my first, and so far only, silent meditation retreat. Some notes from my journal: “I’ve been noblely silent for about a half hour. Despite myself I’ve already checked the news and social media as the world shuts down and possibly falls apart around us.” “I wonder what the next two weeks will be like with the kids home from school.” “Am hoping all those dreams I had a week or two ago about death and foreboding storms that we couldn’t outrun and that I couldn’t save my family from were, in fact, anxiety dreams and not premonitions.” “Am wondering what the difference is between waiting, resting, and doing nothing.”

I cried when I finally put a mask on to go to the store. Not because I thought it was foolish, but because it made it real. I cried in the store when I saw little kids wearing their own little masks. Settling down into what was, was impossible so my wheels spun. In my mask, in my house, in our collective unknowing. Some days I settled a bit.  Sometimes it took walking miles upon miles watching the things that grew and blossomed while the world shuttered. Walking while my office was shut down for months and my career crumbled. Walking through my husband losing his job. My Aunt died. The furnace died. I got a part time job. I kept walking. 

We got a dog. Now we walk together. She is the saving grace of this year. We are all in love with her and she with us. She travels around the house in the arms of whoever is the most stressed. I’m afraid of her reaching max stress absorption capacity which will cause her to calcify and crumble to ash like a Medusa meets Pompeii mashup. So far she’s holding up well.

It’s really windy right now. It was really windy the weekend of the silent retreat a year ago. I remember because the windows in my room rattled at night making it a little hard to sleep. Despite how busy the days sometimes are, I still feel like I’m in between waiting, resting, and doing nothing. Maybe I’ll take a walk. I’d rather go see my mom.

What’s Next?

Am I happy that Biden won? I am relieved. Relieved on a level that makes me realize how opposite of that I’ve been, beginning with stunned 4 years ago, which escalated in intensity, from there. Do I think Biden will do wonderful things? I think he will put some policy in place which will hopefully help the most vulnerable. I believe he will slow down or halt a portion of what has been put into play. Wheels will start to spin into motion for those who did not vote for him, building a momentum, for what I can’t imagine, that will be waiting for an opportunity to emerge like projectile vomit. 

Trump did and continues to do something important. He led an enormous movement to break through the surface and become seen and heard. And through that opening poured millions of angry people who felt recognized for perhaps the first time. And those voices woke up more people underground who didn’t even realize they weren’t alone in their slumber. As they rubbed the sleep from their eyes, some decided that it was too difficult to navigate to the surface and went back to sleep or created a life underground with slightly more space since so many had left and it was good enough. Others climbed through the opening, horrified or pleased to see what was happening above and organized separately or along with those who had never been underground in the first place.

Of course Trump didn’t create Us against Them. That’s been there since the beginning of time. What he did was make us all realize how polarized we are and use it to his advantage becoming drunk on the power it generated. So much power that it was able to feed the starving like a God/dess with hope of finding the holy grail, at long last, in the form of freedom. Freedom to become the powerful people they were meant to be, deserved to be, are entitled to be. I believe that we all pretty much want the same exact things in life. We try to achieve these things in different ways based on the lens through which we learned to see and experience the world. 

Am I victory dancing in the street? No. I am too exhausted for that. And sad that things are the way they have become. I am resting and thinking for now. I am relieved enough, for the first time in a long time, to at least do that. I have no idea if Biden will do anything fantastic or not. I don’t know if he can. It’s not really about him anymore than it was/is about Trump. And in the wake of what is, I don’t know if I can do anything fantastic or not. It’s really not about me anymore than it was/is about you. 

I am Berning.

I was not always interested in politics.  Prior to the election between Bush and Gore, I should not have been allowed to vote.  Proudly exercising my civic duty, I chose candidates from school boards to Presidents based on gender, appearance and if all else was equal, the sound of their name.  And then I met my future husband. 

Bob doesn’t care about sports. His super bowls are presidential elections.  Primaries equate to play offs and local elections are the minor leagues.  In these spheres, he knows every player, batting average, fatal error in judgement and strategy.  At the beginning it seemed adorable.  Then obnoxious.  Yet, osmosis is strong. Information began infiltrating my mind.  investing me into the 2000 election. Confused as hell when it was finally over, I muttered, “But Gore won…” endlessly to no one in particular.  Mind blown.  Electoral College? Delegates? I had a lot of questions for Jeeves.  Don’t even get me started about 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction.  I was part of the fold that believed Saddam Hussein was hiding them and was sleeping with al-Qaeda.  Bob lovingly explained why I was bat shit gullible.  Jeeves disdainfully froze upon my search terms.  Eventually I traded in my Independent status for Democrat, started reading newspapers and married Bob.  Sorry, Jeeves, we were never right for each other.

An aquaintence once introduced me to his motto, “Money talks, bullshit walks.”  Instantly this guy was dead to me, but his words echoed in the chambers of my pessimism for years until I heard of “Pigs at the Trough” by Arianna Huffington.  My 3 years of muttering, “…but Gore won….” were replaced by shouts of “YES! YES! SING IT!”  But why was this allowed to happen? Didn’t anyone else care besides me and Arianna?  Apparently not enough – Citizens United, 2010.  Need I say more?  I resumed my muttering.  

Which brings me to Bernie Sanders. I would love nothing more than to support a candidate who is anything other than an old white hetero male. But I can’t vote against someone’s identity any more than I can vote for someone because of their identity.  I care deeply about the environment and health care.  I would love some affordable higher education for my kids and yours.  There are more issues than I can count that keep me up at night.  And I fully believe that none of it matters at all.  AT ALL…. if we don’t take power away from the for profit corporations that are running this country.  Our democracy is trapped within a geodesic dome of avarice.  Sanders is the only candidate suited up for this battle which means he is the only person with whom I have the tiniest bit of hope. He has not wavered in his views throughout his very long career.  This is more more important than his age or the sounds of his voice. Even if he wins, it might be impossible.  Maybe money will always talk.  But I will fight hard for the possibility that it won’t.  I hope you join us.  We have snacks.  

Moonstone and Wind

School vacation is here. Summer is here.  For those of us with kids and some of us without, there can be some mixed feelings happening.  I know people who embrace the season of less scheduling and some for whom this unstructured time of changing schedules is fraught with anxiety and overwhelm.  Me? Well, on most days, I’m a walking moodswing so summer is really no different.  This year, however, there is so much change going on around us.  Important people in our lives are moving, school changes are happening, my sister in law and niece dropped by for a wonderful unexpected few day visit, my husband and son are away for the week and upon their return I leave for a week with all three kids.  Movement all around, emotions are swirling like wind.  And wind is part of the wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  When it’s windy, the challenge is to stay flexible and grounded – like a willow tree. Not like a rigid, dried out branch that will break if life doesn’t  stagnant.  I face the conundrum of craving change yet have rigid spiritual appendages that would prefer for me and my family to stay right where we are.
So, I’m pondering all of this while on my porch swing watching the rain and the mail woman pulls down the driveway with my latest Amazon purchase. A deck of crystal oracle cards I’ve been thinking about for months, since seeing them in a store last winter. I looked at each image – one more riveting than the next and settled on moonstone.  Then I ran a bath – in the middle of a Thursday – lit a candle and poured in some frankincence and geranium essential oil*.  I placed the moonstone card in sight and sank into the warm embrace of calm water.  And meditated.  And inhaled. And exhaled.  Until my 10 year old housemates demanded my attention.
A gentle reminder for myself and possibly others that it’s ok to take a break on a dreary day to turn inward.  Maybe in an unexpected way….until life calls us to return.
*Important note about essential oils!!  When using in a bath always dilute in a carrier oil (anything you cook with is great).  Put the EOs in the carrier oil, mix and then dump in the bath.  I had always heard this, but sometimes think rules don’t apply to me for some odd reason.  About a year ago I burned myself putting the EO’s directly in the bath.  Some of them might be gentle enough to use straight up, but be careful and forewarned!!!

Money Talks

Two hours.  We are two hours away from another, entitled white male cog in the wheel, passing another GOP lined gaunlet into the Supreme Court.  I have no surprise or disbelief.  The rock that sits inside me like dead weight gets bigger, but that will continue to happen for I don’t know how long.  And here’s the thing.  It’s not even because of how this effects women.  Though it does.  It’s not even about how it effects our so called democracy.  Though it does.  It’s not even about how it further divides this country, my town and my friend circle.  Though.It.Does.

It’s that the reason behind the insanity is talked about as an afterthought.  Because Trump is not the problem and neither is Kavanaugh.  Republicans are not the problem.  Gender equality, #metoo, gay rights, gun control, just immigration, climate justice…none of it is the problem.  These are all manifestations of the problem.  The ones that keep us busy and anxious. The ones that engage more of us than ever before to phone bank, call legislators, take to the streets.

And not that it matters, but that calendar thing is bullshit. In the early 1990’s the restaurant I worked for got audited.  All of the servers were in the hole for tens of thousands of dollars of undeclared tip income.  A couple of old calendars scrounged up by my friends along with a bucket of different pens and a few hours got my total down from $6000.00 down to $1500.00 during my IRS investigation.  My Hispanic friends were too afraid to do this for reasons I couldn’t possibly understand in my

conclusion-of-the-contract-3100563_1280twenties.  So the money they were sending to their parents and siblings to help pay for food and education didn’t happen for a while. True story.

The problem is and has always been campaign and related contributions.  It is Citizens United v FED.  It is big faceless corporations having more power than any person or party ever can.  And it always will. Until those laws are changed, you and I and Dr Ford don’t matter enough for justice to prevail. Even if Kavanaugh is voted down, we don’t win the war.  Just a little battle far away from the main frame.  In the meantime I’ll still be on the streets and the phone.  Until there’s something better to do.

Stress/ful Solutions

The other day, one of my massage clients asked me about my Instagram account.  She follows it and thinks it’s hilarious (I sort of do too, however,  I’m very very biased), but was wondering why it has my business name when it’s mostly about non related massage stuff.  She’s right.  It’s not.  And here’s why.

A few years ago I figured I should check out this Instagram thing and that it might be a great marketing tool.  I put up a few posts… got a few followers.  And that was cool, but the people who liked my stuff weren’t anywhere near me so not likely to jet in to cranium-2099120_1280Haverhill, MA for a massage.  So I abandoned the account for a while and turned back to FB where I have both a personal and a business page.  Now I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but FB isn’t really fun anymore.  It’s kind of stressful.  Way back when, it was a great way to connect with people that I had lost touch with and to stalk ex boyfriends.  But as time wore on, we somehow managed to use our FB settings and tools to forge a direct pipeline from our brains to our fingers and keyboards…not a great idea.  There’s a beauty to our thoughts which is that we have the freedom to think whatever we want.  Isn’t that amazing?  Anything at all and no one ever has to know.  EVER.  It’s a stunning concept.  But in our FB frenzy, we replumbed the system so all these thoughts that were never supposed to see the light of day started hemorrhaging into our FB feeds.
And I have a business named Stress Solutions.  So in an effort to solve my FB stress, I trotted back to Instagram and found it full of hilarious creative people from all corners of the globe.  And though I tried to make my posts massage-ey, I found mostly what came out of me was about my kids and my messy life and coffee and stuff I love.  So sometimes my posts are health/work related because that’s super important to me too, but mostly not because I’m more than my career.  I’m so many things and so is everybody.  Part of my job is to connect people to themselves and their bodies and the essence of who they are so they can become who they were meant to be.  And along the way, some of the aches and pains and stress of life fade away. And humor? It’s crucial to survival.  If we can laugh about IT whatever IT is, we can survive and thrive it. Laughter shape shifts stress into colorful sparkly glitter.  The kind that doesn’t even need to be cleaned up – bonus!
So feel free to check me out at @Stress_Solutions on Instagram for a glimpse at my quirky way of seeing the world.  Or visit http://www.StressSolutions.biz to book a massage session at my office in Haverhill, MA.  Or I still frequent the business FB page Lorryn Kinkaid LMT to post health articles and local resources.

I’m glad he didn’t ask.

But should I help the little ones? girls-462072_1280

I’m sure glad my son didn’t ask  me this question as we sat in a cafe yesterday enjoying a snack.  We were talking about the pros and cons of trading in our family car, ideas for summer vacation. And his school’s lock down procedure in the event of a school shooting.
          I have no interest in eliminating the 2nd amendment.  I have no interest in owning a gun or having one in our house.  I have no problem with hunting – I would rather eat fresh venison any day over factory farmed meat.  I have no interest in doing the actual hunting. I do have interest in learning how to operate a gun for many reasons.  1. It would be fun in the same way I like shooting BB’s at scouts with my kids and liked archery back at summer camp. 2. I don’t want to be intimidated by the word or image of a gun. 3. In this culture where there are so many guns around me, I feel it is my responsibility to know how to safely use one.
I’m so glad my son didn’t ask me if he should help the little ones.
          I heard a story today of an eleven year old who was talking to her mom.  Her teacher had been going over lock down and active shooter procedures with the class.  If they were able to safely leave the building, the children were told to run to the edge of the school property, climb the fence and meet at the local Dairy Queen.  At home later, the girl asked her mother, “But should I just keep running or help the little ones who might not be able to run as fast.” I don’t know how her mom answered.  I’m glad it wasn’t me.
          My son and I talked about what his lock down procedure looked like; locking the doors and hiding.  We discussed options like running away if possible.  Zigzag or straight?  Zigzag if an active shooter and you can’t hide. If there are bodies dropping around you, drop as well and pretend to be dead.  Don’t move.  I decided not to tell him to use a dead body as a shield.  I decided not to talk about helping anyone else. He didn’t ask and I wouldn’t know how to answer.
          If he did, I think I would have told him that there is no right answer because there are so many different ways the situation could happen.  I’d tell him there’s no way we could plan ahead for every one of them.  I’d say that, in the moment, I believe that instinct would take over and that either he would run for his life or grab someone to try to save them and that neither choice would be right or better or the only one.  That I would love him no matter what and never judge him in that kind of situation.
          I’m glad he didn’t ask me.
I know it could happen to him.  Or my other children.  Or your children.  Because it has.
          But it doesn’t have to.

Yet another New Year.



Yes, yes, well here we are again.  I just love New Year’s, don’t you?  So full of hope and goals and cookies from this past week. Now is my chance to get thinner, eat better, be a better more patient parent and wife.  I’ll plan play dates for my kids and cook better meals.  I’ll organize the entire house and keep it that way. I’ll organize my business better and be more consistent with marketing. I’ll exercise regularly, meditate daily and get together with my besties more often. I’ll get more involved in social action for worthy causes…

Who am I kidding?.  I can’t even stay on top of the laundry or dishes.
So, what’s the alternative to New Year’s Resolutions?  Don’t make any? Don’t strive to be ‘better’? Maybe pledge to get more comfortable with the chaos of life? Or maybe pick one – just one – aspect of my life to work on. One little piece that’s like a key that could unlock some of the doors standing in the way of everything else.
Why aren’t I more organized, patient, creative and engaged in self care? Well, usually because I’m so tired all the time.  And I’m tired so often because I don’t go to bed early enough because I crave some time alone after the kids go to sleep.  But if I went to bed earlier, I wouldn’t snack as much which would help the expanding waist line thing AND might give me a little more patience during the day and a little more energy for everything else.  What if I just tried for like a week – not a whole year – and then check in with myself to see how it’s going?
See, I think that most of our problems could be solved by little changes that have really big effects.  Like sleeping.  Or drinking water. Maybe moving our bodies a little more. And being kind.  Just a little bit more than usual.
So, this year, my official resolution is to be kind enough to myself to get more rest on a regular basis.  At least for a week.  Let’s resolve this year to pick one small thing we’d like to change for a small amount of time. And let’s resolve to do our best and be kind to ourselves if that doesn’t go so well.  We can always try again next week, next month or after lunch.

Berning Down the House

I’ve been a little overwrought lately.  For the last seven days, to be precise.  I knew how much I would hate this election.  I also knew that it would be worse, no matter who won, the day after.  And the day after that.  And maybe even for a few more days.

I hate politics.  I really do.  But I really love living in the United States.  And I’d like to keep it that way.  I know there’s room for improvement.  Ok.  A LOT of room for improvement.  Kind of like my house.  I really love it, but it’s kind of messy.  There is lots of room for improvement.  It’s cluttered.  We have way too much stuff.  I keep trying to fit things in that just don’t fit – in drawers, under the bed, in cabinets…

Speaking of cabinets, I’m sure I can fit in a few more boxes of cereal, maybe some spices, an extra roll of paper towels.  You know what I can’t fit in?  A white supremacist.  I don’t believe there is any room in anyones cabinet for an “alt right” leader.  Not even a tiny one like the size of an expired canister of baking soda.  cabinets-426385_640Not in a drawer or under the bed.  Not in the rain or on a train,  with a mouse or in the White House. And I don’t know what to do about this kind of shit.  I. just. don’t.

So, I called Bernie Sanders today.  Because I figured if anyone knew what to do, it might be him.  Unfortunately he wasn’t available to take my call personally, but his office staff ably answered my questions and provided guidance along with validating that mine was not the first call like this, but that the phone had been ringing off the hook from people all over the country just like me.  She is keeping track of all the calls coming in which will be reported to Mr. Sanders.  She said that Bernie is currently advising us all to stay informed, stay together and to get involved in the issues that are most concerning to us.  Within a few weeks, he will be posting what he is specifically working on and how.  It will be posted on his website under press releases under ‘newsroom’: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom

While I’m waiting for his action plan, I wrote to my 2 senators and 1 house rep:

Kelly Ayotte: https://www.ayotte.senate.gov/?p=contact

Jeanne Shaheen: https://www.shaheen.senate.gov/contact/

Frank Guinta: https://guinta.house.gov/contact

My email said something like:

Dear ___________,   I am a NH resident who is very concerned about the results of this presidential election.  I respectfully ask that you urge President Elect Donald Trump to rescind his appointment of Steve Banner to Chief Strategist to the President of the United States of America.  Sincerely, Lorryn Kinkaid

If you don’t know your people in the White House, google links for your state senators and reps in the US House of Representatives.  Copy and paste my letter or write your own.

Think no one hears your voice?  This article in the Times Magazine is promising and proves they are listening.  At least Harry Reid of Nevada is.  http://time.com/4572395/harry-reid-speech-donald-trump-stephen-bannon/       Let’s hear your Senators speak up on your behalf.


On my agenda for democracy are a few action items.  This isn’t set in stone so I might revise from time to time as needs arise.  Like laundry could quickly top the list when we run out of socks. But for now:
1. abolish the electoral college
2. abolish super delegates
3. campaign reform

A brief and mostly factual history of the electoral college.
Started in late 1700’s due to lack of internet.  It was difficult to get people to know what what going on politically so people were delegated to fill them in – according to region to represent and vote for them in their best interests.  As the dissemination of information became easier, these delegates weren’t as helpful or needed, but were kept on because the amount of them was based on the population. The higher the population of a region, the more electoral college votes just like it is now.  As people started realizing that slavery was insane, population shifted. door-1781593_640 Numbers were much higher in the south because there were way more slaves there even though neither slaves nor freemen in the north were allowed to vote.  So more votes for the south and they liked that so electoral college stayed.  According to several sources I found. “there have been more proposed constitutional amendments to change the Electoral College than any other topic (700 proposals in Congress in the last 200 years!). Gallup reports that only about a third of Americans support keeping the institution.”  from fivethirtyeight.com  It’s not easy to change.  But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and continue to try until it happens.  SO…

Here’s what I accomplished today to eliminate the electoral college.  You can do the same.
1. I signed a petition on change.org that would tell the Electoral College to change their vote to the popular vote which would allow Clinton to win.  This is frowned upon, but legal.  They don’t cast their votes until December 19th.  I don’t love this idea, but support it because the popular vote should be the deciding factor.  This is the link:
2. Go to: http://www.nationalpopularvote.com/ and click on ‘Easy Way to Write Your Legislators’.  Fill out the form and emails will automatically be sent to your State Reps.  You can also request contact info on your State Reps that you can use in the next step #3
3. Write emails directly to your local legislators.  To find you State Reps for your area go to:
http://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/  Then write an email to each one of them.  It can be the same email – just don’t forget to change the name if you’re copy/pasting.  This is the letter I wrote.  Use it/change it/ write your own.
Hi Debra,

I am a Plaistow resident who is very upsetin light of this week’s election.  I am wondering if you support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact which would allow presidential candidates to win the election based on the popular vote.  I firmly believe that the Electoral College needs to be eliminated, but this would at least be a step in the right direction.  If you have not currently supported this, what can I do as a citizen to help.  Is there someone else I should contact aside from the 4 Reps for Plaistow?  Can I start a citizen’s petition?
Any guidance would be appreciated,
Thank you,
Lorryn Kinkaid
76 Old County Road
Plaistow, NH 03865
4. I will write an update when I hear back from my reps. Perhaps they will have further advice.  If you want further help with doing this.  If you want to, but it seems overwhelming, I will hold your hand and walk you through it.  I will find your reps, help you word letters, provide you with moral support and email addresses.  Really and happily.